Our Family Motto

              Leave the land better than you found it.  

Educate youth and adults about farming and the environment.  

Build community 

We have a lot of history on this farmland. David’s family has been farming here for generations. His mom would bring him out to the barn in a high chair to keep her company while she milked the cows.

Now he runs the farm himself. 

Originally, our farm was a sheep farm. Then, the entire flock was culled due to disease. We turned to dairy cows. We still have a herd of dairy cows whose milk gets sent to a processor. The bull calves become our beef steers that we process and sell on the store.

David’s sister returned to sheep as a 4H participant and has turned that interest into a thriving, award winning business. She raises the lamb and sheep meat that we sell on the store.

In all of our farming, we use practices designed to benefit the land rather than harm it.

David’s dad was the first in the neighborhood by 10 years to use ground tubes to heat the lambing greenhouses with the heat of the earth. We have been planting cover crops and practicing rotational grazing since long before regenerative farming became a buzzword. 

We are proud to produce all natural, pastured meat that our grandparents would recognize. 

David had a long military career. In 2012, he did a volunteer deployment in Afghanistan teaching farming. 

He saw the value in teaching people what farmers 100 years ago knew,

and, when he returned home, he wanted to continue to do so. 

His military service inspired us to focus on the power of the farm as a teaching tool and a therapeutic setting for veterans. 

We use a percentage of the proceeds from our food sales to run an on-farm learning center where kids will be able to learn where their food comes from and veterans will be able to experience animal therapy. 

We also host the Disability Hunt on the farm every year. Giving back is in our blood. 

We use this land as a teaching and rehabilitation tool.

When we look around, we are dismayed by the rise in mental health crises and violence. We remember 50 years ago when the community would come together and help each other out. In the last 20 years, that connection has disappeared. 

At the same time, it has become harder and harder for the farmers around us to keep their land and make a living. 

We offer local foods from farmers in our community who have incredible talents to share. In doing so, we are helping them continue to farm and helping us all to become a bit more connected. 

When we all work together and support each other, we become a family. 

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